2:13 PM

Banishing the Baby Belly: Week 3

This week...was not a stellar week. Not only did I eat out several times, I also neglected to exercise. At all. Why? No good reason. Lots of excuses, but no good reasons.

I was in a bad mood.

Had lots of work to do.

Was just plain tired.

And now I'm sick.

Like I said, no good excuses. As a result, I lost a disappointing .2 pounds. Which is better than a gain, but not much better. This week, though, will be a better week. It has to be. At least this cold of mine is taking my appetite away...no temptation to overeat this weekend (we'll call that the silver lining).

So. My challenge for this week. I think, given my current energy level, I'll keep it simple. I challenge myself to exercise at least three times, even if that only means walking along with Leslie Sansone. I'm also going to continue to scour the Internet for a treadmill—somewhere, someone has to have a decent one to sell, right? Because full-price, fresh-from-the-store treadmills are not in the budget.

Maybe my second challenge should be to play the lottery at least once.  Someone has to win, right?

Anyway, that's all for me. How did you guys do?

7:11 AM


It's getting cold around here. Which, means, obviously, it's time to break out the fall clothes. So, this morning, I was rooting through the closet, trying to find something (anything) to wear. The results were dismal.

My skinny jeans laughed at me.

My favorite blazer refused to button.

My button down shirts? Likewise.

And my favorite purple shirtdress from the last time I was heavy? Gaped wildly in the boobage area.

It was discouraging, people.

I'm tired of being fat. Tired of feeling frumpy. Tired of looking at my floofy belly and thinking, that can't possibly be mine. I want to go to bed and wake up magically 30 pounds lighter. I don't want to have to do all this work.

Why can't I be one of those women who pop out a baby and go back to looking normal six weeks later?

Why aren't I more motivated to get up at 5:30 a.m. and exercise?

Why am I having such a hard time giving up cookies?

I hate this. Today, I hate myself.

That is all.